… the general understanding is that any quality associated with men is superior and must set the norm for all humanity. In whichever ways women are different, their difference is considered to be an inferior difference …
Gender Dynamics through the Feminist Lens
Nivedita Menon’s Seeing Like a Feminist offers us the opportunity to ask critical questions about gender, gendered realities and their role in society, especially as a reader within India’s patriarchal system. Through the reading of this text and an integrated analysis of the contemporary events sampled in the book, an attempt shall be made to raise our awareness on the experiences of women and the multiple ways in which gender interacts with class, religion, caste, nationality and other social identites. Through the ‘feminist lens’, as suggested by the author, we are all at once the cause and the consequence of the society, and are constantly questioning these.
How this course works
The participants can initiate their entry into the text on their own, prior to the Crash Course, but the programme will start with the basics, with a presentation of the historical and political background of Menon’s reflection, before undertaking a close reading of the text in the sessions.
This course, like all programmes at IST, is designed in view of dynamic exchanges between the instructor and the participants ; therefore interjections, questions, comments and alternative interpretations are invited and encouraged throughout the session, while an interactive time is kept specifically at the end of each study session.
Crash Course
Duration : 2 sessions of 180 minutes
Dates and Times : decided with the participants
Instructor : Monisha Punith
Modality : Skype Videoconference
Open to : All · No pre-requisites
At IST, a new edition of each course is organised upon 3 confirmed participants

Seeing Like a Feminist
Session 1
Introduction on feminism.
Background to Nivedita Menon’s text.
Critical discussion from the following sections :
1. Family
Session 2
Critical discussion from the following section :
2. Body
Session 3
Critical discussion from the following sections :
3. Desire
4. Sexual Violence
Session 4
Critical discussion from the following sections :
5. Feminists and ‘Women’
6. Victims or Agents ?
The financial contribution is open
beyond a minimum amount of
15.00 $
or the equivalent in your local currency
Check the conversion rates here
2 Interactive sessions of Textual Analysis
6 Hours of collective study
Reading Material in soft copy
Instructor’s Notes for each session
HD Audio Recordings of the sessions
A new edition of this course will be organised
upon 3 confirmed registrations